CCG Update is an upgrade from the traditional English-language newsletter by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading non-governmental thinktank in Beijing.
CCG, led by Mr. Henry Huiyao Wang and Mrs. Mabel Lu Miao, has been granted the official special consultative status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) as a “non-governmental organization.” In the 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index by the University of Pennsylvania Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP), CCG ranked 64th of the top think tanks worldwide and among the top 50 “best independent think tanks.” CCG has also been recognized as a “4A non-governmental organization” by the Beijing Municipal Government Civil Affairs Department.
CCG currently offers three newsletters, all via Substack. You can subscribe - and unsubscribe - anytime you want.
CCG Update keeps its subscribers informed about the reports, events, analyses, commentaries, and other activities of the CCG.
The East is Read, delivers frequent briefings on China drawing mostly from Chinese mainland sources.
Pekingnology was established by Mr. Zichen Wang in May 2020 and brought into CCG’s portfolio as he joined the non-governmental thinktank in October 2022.
(CCG takes no position on issues raised in The East is Read or Pekingnology.)
No government has a budget for CCG, which relies on donations and grants for funding, and also generates revenue from publications, event sponsorship, research services, etc. You’re welcome to get in touch for our services.