[UPDATED] Pre-register for the 9th China and Globalization Forum: An Exclusive Opportunity Awaits
RSVP to join highly-esteemed government figures, experts, and business leaders in addressing global issues and commemorating 15 years of CCG.
Dear CCG associates,
We are pleased to extend a unique opportunity for your participation in the 9th edition of China and Globalization Forum to be held offline at CBD, Beijing on Thursday, September 21. To secure your spot at this event, please confirm your attendance by signing up for a complimentary ticket.
Since 2015, CCG has hosted the China and Globalization Forum annually in conjunction with its council meeting, bringing together the most prominent members of CCG Advisory Council – including its honorary chair (Chen Demin, former commerce minister), chair (Long Yongtu, former vice commerce minister) and co-chairs (He Yafei, former vice foreign minister and Ronni Chan, Chairman of Hang Lung Properties), and celebrated policy scholars and business leaders. Over the years, the convention has become a magnet for the most highly regarded delegates from China’s government, expert, and business communities for dialogue and debate about the most pressing issues in global politics and business regarding the development of globalization and China’s role in it.
In 2023, CCG celebrates its 15th anniversary amidst a backdrop of significant events. China is recovering from three years of isolation due to the zero-covid policy, while the global economy grapples with the lingering impacts of the pandemic; there is a prolonged war in Ukraine, the pressing challenge of climate change, and rapidly shifting macroeconomic conditions worldwide. Whereas threats to globalization are real and statements about globalization’s demise abound, linkages between economies, societies and cultures remain resilient. With today’s turbulent environment of geopolitical tensions, however, concerns about the call for “de-risking” fracturing the world economy into rival blocs persist. Amid challenges ranging from deteriorating relations with the west to a declining population and a slowing economy, what’s next for China and globalization going forward?
When: Thursday, 21st of September, 2023
Where: CBD Beijing
Language: English/Chinese simultaneous interpretation
Media Plan: On-the-record
Pre-registration for the 9th China and Globalization Forum is now open at:
Kindly click the "sign up" button and provide your details. Our team will promptly send you a complimentary ticket code via email.
PROGRAM OUTLET - Thursday 21 September
08:30-09:00 Registration/Networking
09:00-09:45 Organizers Welcome
Mabel Miao, Co-founder and Secretary-General, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Welcoming Remarks:
WANG Huiyao, Founder and President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Counselor to China State Council
CHEN Deming, Honorary Chair, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); President, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI); Former Minister of Commerce
09:45-11:00 Ambassadors’ Roundtable I: China, US, EU and Global Climate Dialogue for a Sustainable 21st Century”
WANG Huiyao, President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Counselor to China State Council
Special Remarks:
H.E. XIE Zhenhua, China’s Special Envoy on Climate Change
Set-the-scene Remarks:
H.E. Nicholas Burns, Ambassador of the US to China
H.E. Jorge Toledo Albiñana, Ambassador of the European Union to China
H.E. LIU Zhenmin, Former Vice Foreign Minister; former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
H.E. Siddharth Chatterjee, Resident Coordinator, United Nations
H.E. Rafael Dezcallar, Ambassador of Spain to China
H.E. Alenka Suhadolnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to China
H.E. Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to China
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break/Networking
11:15-12:30 Ambassadors’ Roundtable II: China-Europe Cooperation in Uncertain Times: Risks and Prospects
WANG Huiyao, President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Counselor to the China State Council
Set-the-scene Remarks:
H.E. WU Hongbo, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs
H.E. Rafael Dezcallar, Ambassador of Spain (EU Council Presidency) to China
Participants (alphabetical):
H.E. Jorge Toledo Albiñana, Ambassador of the European Union to China
H.E. Patricia Flor, Ambassador of Germany to China
H.E. Hannes Hanso, Ambassador of Estonia to China
H.E. Mr. Thorir Ibsen, Ambassador of Iceland to China
H.E. Dario Mihelin, Ambassador of Croatia to China
H.E. Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, Ambassador of Finland to China
H.E. Thomas Østrup Møller, Ambassador of Denmark to China
H.E. Alenka Suhadolnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to China
H.E. Andreas Riecken, Ambassador of Austria to China
SUN Yongfu, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Director-General, Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Commerce
12:30-13:45 Lunch/Networking
14:00-15:15 Trade and Economics Roundtable: China and the Sustainable Global Economy: Where to Now?
Victor Gao, Vice President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Participants (alphabetical):
Steven Barnett, Senior Resident Representative in China, IMF
H.E. Juerg Burri, Ambassador of Switzerland to China
Karim Dahou, Deputy Director of Global Relations Directorate, OECD
CAO Yuanzheng, Chief Economist, Bank of China International
H.E. Graham Fletcher, Ambassador of Australia to China
MA Xiaoping, Senior Vice President, HSBC
Elitza Mileva, Lead Economist for China, Mongolia and Korea, the World Bank
Gyorgyi Puhl, International Counsellor, The Central Bank of Hungary
Beate Trankmann, Resident Representative, UNDP China
ZHANG Wencai, Vice President, The Export-Import Bank of China
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break/Networking
15:30-16:45 Business Roundtable: Reset, Renew, and Reinvent the Private Sector for Economic Rebound
Mabel Miao, Secretary General, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Participants (alphabetical):
Jens Eskelund, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC)
Gianni Di Giovanni, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Eni China
JIANG Xipei, CCG Vice Chair; Founder, Chairman of Far East Holding Group
Howard Li, CCG Vice Chair; Founder, Chairman and CEO, Waitex Group
LI Ye, CCG Senior Council Member; Vice President and Head of Corporate Affairs, Merck China
Miranda Wang, CCG Senior Council Member; Managing Director, ETS China
Anita Wei, CCG Senior Council Member; Vice President of Government Affairs, Danaher China (tbc)
ZHANG Yi, CCG Senior Council Member; Chairman, the China Management Committee of King & Wood Mallesons
16:45-17:00 Coffee Break/Networking
17:00-18:15 BRI Roundtable: Multi-stakeholder Engagement for Global Development: What Will the Next Decade Bring?
Mike Liu, Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Managing Director, DXC Technology Greater China
Participants (alphabetical):
GAO Yuan yuan, President, China Association for International Economic Cooperation (CAFIEC)
HE Di, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division at ASEAN-China Centre (ACC)
JIN Lingyun, CCG Senior Council Member; Chairman of Global Services Group at Deloitte
LIN Hongyu, Vice President of Huaqiao University (tbc)
PANG Xinxing, Founder ,Chairman and President of StarTimes
SUN Guangbin, Senior Vice President, JASolar (tbc)
SUN Ming, Vice President, Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies(ACCWS) (tbc)
TANG Haoxuan, CCG Senior Council Member; Chairman of FUETA International
XIE Haoming, Vice Chairman of HainanAirlines
ZHANG Huarong, Founder and Chairman of Huajian Group