CCG Book Catalogue 2023
A total of 14 books — 5 in English, 7 in simplified Chinese, and 2 in traditional Chinese.
In 2023, CCG published a total of 14 books — 5 in English, 7 in simplified Chinese, and 2 in traditional Chinese. We hope that these books will provide readers with a Chinese perspective for the world, and a global perspective for China. It is our mission to deepen mutual understanding and collectively explore ways to promote a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient global development.
CCG Book Catalogue 2023
International Perspectives on China and the World
Published by CCG
Henry Huiyao Wang, Escaping Thucydides's Trap: Dialogue with Graham Allison on China–US Relations, Springer, November 2023.
Joseph Nye, 软实力与中美竞合 [Soft Power and Great-Power Competition], Springer, April 2023.
Kishore Mahbubani, 亚洲的21世纪 [The Asian 21st Century] (Simplified Chinese Edition), CITIC Publishing Group, June 2023.
Kishore Mahbubani, 亞洲的21世紀 [The Asian 21st Century] (Traditional Chinese Edition), Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., November 2023.
Kerry Brown and Gemma Chenger Deng, 欧洲人眼中的中国:绵延八百年的文化与知识交流 [China Through European Eyes: 800 Years Of Cultural And Intellectual Encounter] (Simplified Chinese Edition), China Translation & Publishing Corporation, July 2023.
Serge Berthier, 被西方誤讀的中國 [Chine: Comment l’Occident se fabrique des ennemis] (Traditional Chinese Edition), Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., November 2023.
Edited by CCG
Henry Huiyao Wang and Alistair Michie, 共识还是冲突?——21世纪的中国与全球化 [Consensus or Conflict? China and Globalization in the 21st Century] (Simplified Chinese Edition), Foreign Languages Press, March 2023.
Henry Huiyao Wang and Mabel Lu Miao, 预见:大变局下的中国与世界 [Insight: China In a Changing World] (Simplified Chinese Edition), Foreign Languages Press, March 2023.
Henry Huiyao Wang and Mable Lu Miao, eds., Insight: China In a Changing World, Foreign Languages Press, July 2023.
Henry Huiyao Wang and Mabel Lu Miao, 商界领袖看中国:抓住广阔市场的发展新机遇 [Transition and Opportunity: Strategies from Business Leaders on Making the Most of China's Future] (Simplified Chinese Edition), World Affairs Press Co., Ltd., December 2023.
Think Tank Research
Henry Huiyao Wang and Mabel Lu Miao, eds., 大国智库 2.0 [Global Think Tanks (2.0)], (Simplified Chinese Edition), People's Publishing House, August 2023.
The Chinese Enterprise Globalization Series
Henry Huiyao Wang and Mable Lu Miao, eds., Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global, Springer, February 2023.
Henry Huiyao Wang and Mable Lu Miao, eds., The Challenge of "Going Out": Chinese Experiences in Outbound Investment," Springer, November 2023.
Escaping Thucydides's Trap: Dialogue with Graham Allison on China–US Relations
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This book presents a comprehensive collection of Allison’s views and writings on US-China relations from 2017 to 2022, covering a range of topics including the balance of power between the two sides, where the relationship is headed, and lessons from history on how conflict can be avoided.
软实力与中美竞合 [Soft Power and Great-Power Competition]
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Part One discusses the origins and political progress of the concept of "Soft Power". Part Two explores soft power in the American experience, its sources and interaction with US foreign policy, as well as its ebb and flow in the age of Obama, Trump and Biden. Part Three examines the rise of and the opportunities and difficulties for Chinese soft power, focusing on China's investment in soft power and how this demonstrates its commitment to a peaceful rise. However, it also addresses the question of how can China get "smart" on how it uses soft power. Part Four provides a bird’s-eye view of power shifts in the 21st century and the interactions between the US as an established power and China as a rising power, while also reassuring readers that Thucydidean fears are unnecessary and a Cold War is avoidable. Ultimately, the US-China relationship is a "cooperative rivalry" where a successful strategy of "smart competition" is necessary and cooperation on transnational challenges like climate change, pandemics, cyberterrorism and nuclear proliferation, will serve to benefit not only China and the US, but the world as a whole.
亚洲的21世纪 [The Asian 21st Century]
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The major strategic error that the West is now making is to refuse to accept this reality. The West needs to learn how to act strategically in a world where they are no longer the number 1. From the years 1 to 1820, the largest economies in the world were Asian. After 1820 and the rise of the West, however, great Asian civilizations like China and India were dominated and humiliated. The twenty-first century will see the return of Asia to the center of the world stage. The shift in the balance of power to the East has been most pronounced in the rise of China. While this rise has been peaceful, many in the West have responded with considerable concern over the influence China will have on the world order. Many of the world’s pressing issues, such as COVID-19 and climate change, are global issues and will require global cooperation to deal with. In short, human beings now live in a global village. States must work with each other, and we need a world order that enables and facilitates cooperation in our global village.
亞洲的21世紀 [The Asian 21st Century]
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欧洲人眼中的中国:绵延八百年的文化与知识交流 [China Through European Eyes: 800 Years Of Cultural And Intellectual Encounter]
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China Through European Eyes provides a reader's perspective on the conceptualisation of China by Europeans over the last 800 years. With annotated excerpts of their key China related writings by influential figures such as Voltaire, Ricci, Leibniz, Montesquieu, Marx, Weber, Hegel, Barthes and Kristeva, this collection brings together the visions and ideas of individuals who had a unique impact upon European culture. The views within range wildly as the authors wrestle with what sense to make of China's cultural and social difference to their lives in the West, conceptualising China as a place of threat, otherness, exoticism, but also inspiration.
被西方誤讀的中國 [Chine: Comment l’Occident se fabrique des ennemis]
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A response to a pervasive fear and prejudice against China in the West, the book references historical materials and individual case studies to provide a comprehensive overview of China’s political system as well as its economic and social development, while also providing insights into the Chinese way of thinking, as well as the the author’s own insights into Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
共识还是冲突?——21世纪的中国与全球化 [Consensus or Conflict? China and Globalization in the 21st Century]
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This book brings together leading international scholars and policy-makers to explore the challenges and dilemmas of globalization and governance in an era increasingly defined by economic crises, widespread populism, retreating internationalism, and a looming cold war between the United States and China. It provides the diversity of views on those widely concerned topics such as global governance, climate change, global health, migration, S&T revolution, financial market, and sustainable development.
预见:大变局下的中国与世界 [Insight: China In a Changing World]
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This book collected excerpts from speeches delivered in CCG from more than 30 distinguished contributors, including diplomats, scholars, and business leaders from China, the US, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and other regions. These experts, who have been extensive knowledge of Chinese politics and international relations, bring diverse perspectives on significant global issues and trends.
Insight: China In a Changing World
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商界领袖看中国:抓住广阔市场的发展新机遇 [Transition and Opportunity: Strategies from Business Leaders on Making the Most of China's Future]
This collection of essay aims to share these invaluable insights with a wider audience, offering balanced and diverse perspectives from companies and advocacy groups working on a range of issues related to China’s domestic development, international economic cooperation, and China-US competition. These insights are useful not only for the wider business community, but also for academics, policymakers, students, and anyone trying to deepen their understanding of this exciting period of “transition and opportunity,” and make the most of China’s bright future.
大国智库 2.0 [Global Think Tanks (2.0)]
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Based on on-site visits and research at world-renowned think tanks, combined with authors' own experiences in operating think tanks, this book selects approximately fifty representative cases from globally active think tanks in the United States, Europe, Asia, and other regions over the past decade. It systematically reviews the new developments and challenges facing the construction of new-type think tanks with Chinese characteristics and, in response to the new situation, puts forward several policy recommendations to promote think tank development.
Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global
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This book carries out comprehensive research on the underlying problems regarding the globalization of Chinese enterprises. It also proposes practical solutions for dealing with difficulties in the legal sphere, legislation, international talent development, and financing solutions for Chinese firms going global. In light of the great opportunities and space for outbound investment, this book also provides insights on how to push forward the Belt and Road Initiative.
The Challenge of "Going Out": Chinese Experiences in Outbound Investment
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This book provides a multidimensional analysis of the driving forces, legal and systemic hurdles, as well as the risks and opportunities that Chinese enterprises must consider as they seek greater fortunes beyond their own borders. Specific topics include key challenges that companies face, their strategies and ultimate goals, as well as their practical experience in investing abroad, especially in Belt and Road countries. Also included are the insightful views of experts, scholars and entrepreneurs with a wealth of experience in transnational investment in areas related to the globalization of Chinese enterprises, including regional investment risk, overseas talent strategies, legal and compliance issues, and even the role of technology and the Internet in cross-border e-commerce, just to name a few.